Monday, November 7, 2011

My thoughts on Hippies Who Use Drugs but Avoid Red Dye 40

Why is it that modern day hippies are the likely to do all of the following: eat organic, do drugs, and drink alcohol.  Now, my goal is not to preach that people should abstain from any of the following.  My choice to avoid the latter two in no way shapes how strange I find this correlation.  I guess what I fail to understand is how someone can be terrified of a slight possibility of a link between Red 40 (the food color) and cancer, but ignore the obvious brain cell damage done by drugs.  What is it that exempts drug use from being seen as dangerous to these people?  I'm not trying to argue that smoking pot will result in immediate death, but smoking anything is bad for the body.  At least as bad as eating foods containing Red 40 (and a whole host of other non-organic or natural food additives).  Some would respond that pot is natural.  But this is tantamount to saying I won't let a robot kick me in the nuts but a human or animal can because that is more natural.  And of course there is the "A drink a day is good for you crowd."   Yes, I've heard about these studies.  But, I've also heard the studies suggesting that even small amounts of alcohol is linked to things like cancer or spending huge quantities of time reminding oneself how healthy it is to drink moderately.   That's not even considering the fact that small amounts of alcohol can also cause consumption of large amounts of alcohol in most Americans.  And I've also noticed that most studies favoring a drink a day do acknowledge that people found to  be healthier in these studies also exercised and ate better diets.  I imagine this much like a police man, a security guard and a thief in a room... and someone claiming crime is lower in that room because of the thief.  Now before the slurred voices of millions shout, "Zass ridiculuz!"  I will again assert that I'm not arguing for prohibition here.  I'm simply saying if you won't eat Red 40 or modified corn starch because of a remote possibility of damage to your body, how does this choice intelligently coexist with the choice to use drugs and drink alcohol.  Really, what I'm trying to say is that if you are going to get drunk and high, maybe you can save some money by not buying the Kashi Cereal.